NARCOG Transit
NARCOG Transit serves the City of Decatur. The Transit Office helps people of any age get to and from where they need to go. Handicap accessible vehicles are available upon request.
This service is available by scheduling a ride at least 24 hours in advance and no later than 2:00pm the day before. Please call the Transit Office number at (256) 580-2088 to schedule your ride today!
Phone Number
Please call (256) 580-2088 to schedule your ride.
Each one-way trip is $2
Fares must be paid in exact change upon boarding. Connect cards are available for $20 and can be purchased at the NARCOG Transit office or from a NARCOG Transit driver.
Hours of Operations
Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM.
Ride scheduling hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM.
Closed Holidays
New Years Day
January 1, 2025
Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 20, 2025
President's Day
February 17, 2025
Memorial Day
May 26, 2025
Independence Day
July 4, 2025
Labor Day
September 1, 2025
Veterans Day
November 11, 2025
November 27, 2025
Day After Thanksgiving
November 28, 2025
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2025
December 25, 2025
The NARCOG Regional Transit Agency is a cooperative program of the North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments in conjunction with the City of Decatur and the Federal Transit Administration. NARCOG Regional Transit Agency serves the transportation needs of the general public throughout the City of Decatur.
COVID-19 Guidelines
NARCOG Regional Transit Agency COVID-19 Guidelines and Safety Precautions
Many of those served through our agency are older adults and individuals with severe underlying chronic medical conditions. These are the individuals the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates are at higher risk for developing serious complications from the Coronavirus.
Our agency is taking the necessary steps to protect our riders and our employees. The following operating procedures are in effect.
- Two or more passengers per trip based on the priority of the trips and locations.
- Passengers must wear facial masks that completely cover the nose and mouth.
- Passengers are advised to stay at home if they are sick.
- Passengers are requested to avoid close contact and maintain a distance of 6 feet.
- Drivers will disinfect vehicles on a continuous basis.
We are currently scheduling trips for people to and from COVID-19 vaccination locations to support vaccine distribution to underserved populations.
Rural Transportation Planning
NARCOG provides transportation planning for our communities in the rural areas of the region outside of the Decatur Metropolitan Area. Our rural transportation program enhances the movement of people, goods and services by providing a cooperative planning forum for community leaders and transportation providers to have an open dialogue with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) officials on the status of projects and transportation related issues and projects in our region.
Rural Planning Organization
The North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments (NARCOG) along with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) sponsors a cooperative rural transportation planning process, which provides a dialogue between local rural elected officials and the ALDOT concerning transportation related issues in our region. The Rural Planning Organization (RPO) is comprised of elected officials from Cullman, Lawrence and Morgan counties as well as advisors and technical members such as planners, engineers, and economic development specialists.
The goals of the North-central Alabama Rural Planning Organization (NARPO) are: 1) a well-managed rural transportation planning process; 2) an effective transportation committee structure; 3) a comprehensive data library and distribution source; 4) reports that are useful to the Alabama Department of Transportation and the local governments; and 5) a well-informed Rural Transportation Planning Organization Committee who actively participates in the rural transportation planning process.
The activities of the NARPO are financed in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the Alabama Department of Transportation, and tasked to the NARCOG in fulfillment of requirements set forth in 23 USC 134 and 135 (as amended by the FAST Act, Sections 1201 and 1202, December 4, 2015). The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U. S. Department of Transportation. The NARPO is committed to ensuring public participation in the development of all transportation plans and programs. It is the goal of the RPO that the transportation planning process will be accessible, transparent, and inclusive. The RPO is and will be compliant with all Title VI programs, processes, and procedures including, but not limited to, 42 USC 2000d.

Human Resources Coordinated Transportation Plan
The primary goal of this coordinated plan is to minimize duplication, increase transit services, and receive input from transportation service providers, human service providers and the public. The purpose of the HSCTP is to improve transportation services for persons with disabilities, older adults and individuals with lower incomes by ensuring that communities coordinate transportation resources provided through multiple federal programs.
Get In Touch With Our Transit Office
Please call 256-580-2088 to schedule a ride or find out more information about our public transportation services.